Entering Paradise: Bekal Fort

My post of today is about beautiful Fort which I visited with my friends (David, Flexcia, Sebin). We had a holiday and as always David who did not have anything else to do suggested that will make a trip to Kasargod. Kasargod is known for its forts, rivers, hills, food and beautiful beaches. So we decided to have a trip to Bekal Fort which is the largest fort of Kerala and one of the important archeological monument of India located at Bekal, Kasargod. We left for Bekal Fort early morning it was a one hour journey with hardly any passengers in the train.

When we reached we saw some workers wearing a cool hat which had a shape of an umbrella. My friends were so fascinated with it, that they started clicking pictures with those umbrella caps. We waved a good bye to them and moved on to where we saw a beautiful park next to the sea shore with cute small benches and many trees all around.

We saw many boats parked on the beach with the nets kept for drying. I guess the fishing for the day was over and the fisherman had left the place to take care of their other jobs. We moved further towards Bekal fort with the weather being cloudy and sunny. The sun had a dull glow that gave the sea a white- washed look. Not many people were around when we arrived at the beach. With crows flying around and the waves giving us a good company we walked towards the steps of the fort.

As we climbed the stairs I look around to see towers, an observatory, water tanks, tunnels. Climbing up the steps to the central tower, we saw the waves joyfully hit the rocks and the cool breeze blowing on to our faces. 

As the history says Bekal fort was constructed by Sivappa Nayaka of Bednore in 1650AD. The fort was constructed for the defense requirements, the fort later became the military base of Tipu Sulthan during his military assault to Malabar and after yars British East India Company made it their headquarters of new taluk of South Canara district. The structure of the fort is such that it can defend from enemies easily. The fort is spread around 40acres. The main unique features of the fort are the tunnel toward sea, the vast steps to the observation tower. We roamed around the fort for three hours admiring the beauty with which the fort was built.

We left the place at 12:30pm and walked on to find something to eat. We reached at Kasargod and had a good lunch of beef Biryani in hotel Victoria. By 2:30 we were on our way back to Manglore. The day was well spent on this trip with all my friends. If you have a holiday and would want to know more about fort then I would recommend that you visit Bekal fort. I am sure you will have a great time venturing the place and the beach next to it.

Photo Courtesy:  Flexcia Dsouza
Text: Sunny Fernandes


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